Thank you! Totally admirable teaching around this!
We started the website to put the evidence at people's fingertips, so we could say 'there is evidence, it's summarized here':
Filtration evidence:
Evidence in practice:
But you are right, people continue to summarize all this as 'no evidence'. Public health could help here with ongoing information campaigns but this is not happening widely.
I think persistence and #kindness will get us there in the end. We are social animals and it is not normal in many countries to wear a mask. The opportunity to normalize this for everyone was lost early in the pandemic because of academic and public health dissent and disagreement. So now it may be a long haul; as you know, behavioural and social change is hard.
Or maybe we will #CleanTheAir instead and masks will be less important.
Did you see this paper on game theory? In their models, either everyone or no-one ends up wearing masks (sorry, paywall)
@cmclase @Brad_Rosenheim
Here in the U.S., I don’t know if we can achieve kindness. The right wing extremists don’t respond well to kindness. Or logic. Or facts. Of course, the CDC’s failure to present a strong public stance isn’t helping either. I will definitely read your data and use your site. Thank you for taking the time to reply! 💙
we will not change fringe opinions but the majority of people in Canada and elsewhere say they support mask mandates if necessary. It requires public health to say it's necessary.
@cmclase @thejenniwren @Brad_Rosenheim
The 'p' in public health stands for politics, most certainly in all the provinces, except Quebec, which has been the only province not to fiddle with the stats.
PHAC and Dr.Tam have Dr.Tara Moriarty, working with her team to bring Canadians the facts! Beta
@Moriartylabs yes yes, l know, but Dr.Tara is staying to deliver the facts!!
@cmclase @thejenniwren Thank you for the paper, and the optimistic outlook! I will take a look at the paper.