@Demo318 Its donation based. I fund it as a charitable donation from my company as a means to support the scientific community.
@commandelicious While we have some wonderful female contributors they are sadly a minority. It is no surprise that a STEM instance would reflect the democgraphic in the world. With that said I would be the first to welcome a change where more Women go into STEM and have an interest in the topic. But sadly it just doesnt seem to be as appealing to women as it is for men and that makes me sad :( @Demo318
@freemo @commandelicious @Demo318 It starts early, here in Scotland at least. Interest is about even between m/f early in primary school and gets more and more uneven as kids get older. Even those women who study STEM in uni don't often go into STEM jobs. Initial evenness means we can only assume it's societal influence rather than natural, which means we *can* change it.
@Katobell I'm not convinced it is 100% societal, but I am not convinced it isnt either. I can see evidence in both directions.
With that said I would encourage anything that aims to reduce the societal influences at play there.
On the plus side:
I now know what cloth sizes means and what colour goes with what.
Humans are versatile.
You can learn nearly everything given enough time. Doesn't matter what gender you are as long as you have interest in learning something. My educated guess is that interest in STEM is just killed off in women by society.