@dennyhenke I read this, too, and agree with the points you make. I hadn’t realized how these seem to pop up more when the tech news cycle is slow. I think you’re right: these are all about clicks, drama, and “engagement.”
I could have just as easily written a post called “Travel and the Mac” and talked about how the Mac just doesn’t cut it: i.e. it’s so big and heavy, I had to write up my ideas for my next post using the keyboard instead of my pencil, I had to edit my photos using a mouse instead of my finger, I kept losing my train of thought because my windows were all stacked on top of each other, I had to read the news with the Mac on my lap and far away from my aging eyes, etc. etc.
It’s kind of sad that these so-called pundits can’t be happy with their choice of tools and let others be the same with theirs.
@coperob I like your idea for a post about the difficulty of traveling with a Mac instead of an iPad!
Yeah, thinking about slow-news filler content, it's a shame that we don't see more actual, helpful stories written. The kind of stories that were more common back in the day of actual magazines. For example, explorations and comparisons of categories of apps.
Real-world case studies like those done by @tchaten at iPad Pros podcast. Informative and interesting.