• MSc student of Bioinformatics for Computational Genomics [30/120 ECTS] | Joint degree at Polimi and Unimi
• Exams to do: Statistics | Biostatistics
| Organic Chemistry
| Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
| Programming
| Databases
| Systems Biology and Network Analysis
| Structural Chemistry | Genomic Big Data Management and Computing | Neurogenomics and Brain Disease Modelling | Machine Learning | Scientific Programming | Genomics
| Transcriptomics | Advanced Genomics and Epigenomics |
• BSc in Biological Sciences | Unimib
• Main research interests: #Genetics #Genomics #Bioinformatics #DataScience #Statistics #NeurodevelopmentalDisorders #EvolutionaryBiology #AnimalBehavior
• mother tongue |
IELTS 7.5 |
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