@qlp that’s true, I was just thinking in terms of search engines and looking online. It is nice to be able to own either the digital or physical version though if you do have to pay for it!
@derickflorian Yeah, it is nice to be able to search things really quickly, thanks to search engines and via other communities. It's a nice step up from the days of IRC chats and trudging through mailing list archives.
@derickflorian I got them because it was still the dialup days and downloading and installing FreeBSD was pretty darn slow. I helped review and suggest edits for the 4th Edition of The Complete FreeBSD before it was published and got a copy in return.
I try to find places that sell both physical and e-book versions as a bundle (like No Starch) so I can load the EPUB file wherever and still have a physical copy for another backup.