@isagalaev > among experienced programmers, the best were ten times more productive than the worst (as opposed to the average)
Wow! Just wow! I've always had thought that 10x was raising top from the average. And I've seen that as unrealistic expectations. But against the bottom, it can be as high as infinity since it's certainly possible to have no productive output at all. Negative infinity programmers even.
And everyone who imagines being 10x more performance and tries to reach that receding horizon is doomed for burnout. Or it's the manager dude on a hunt for 10x developers, stack grading left and right, and sowing despair.
@dpwiz on my part, I always thought "10x" was a literary exaggeration at best (because how do you objectively measure programmer's output at all?), which basically meant "not all programmers are the same". Which is, I didn't read too much into that part :-)