[The Functional Integrity and Culinary Designation Act](https://this-law-does-not-exist--rob.on.websim.ai/?id=0195475d-b0e8-7f1e-85c5-a6d02b5beb34)
It shall be unlawful for any person within the jurisdiction of the United States to:
(a) Disseminate information that explicitly or implicitly equates a monad with a burrito.
(b) Employ the term 'burrito' to describe a monad in any educational setting, professional communication, or public forum.
(c) Present, display, or create any visual representation that depicts a monad as a burrito, including but not limited to diagrams, illustrations, and multimedia content.
> Repeat offenders may be required to complete a mandatory retraining program on the fundamentals of functional programming and Mexican cuisine, as determined by the Secretary of Education.
Homeopathy is deeply unethical
The method of invoking the water memory is exceptionally problematic. The water had been in *terrible* places. It witnessed... things... It carries an incomprehensible levels of trauma.
And you invoke it to what? To cure a cold what would pass by itself in a few days? How dare you!
LLM-generated docs be like
def wiggle_bottom(self, amplitude: float, phase: float) -> RC:
"""This function would wiggle the bottom. It takes the following arguments: amplitude (a double-precision floating point value according to ieee734 standard) and phase (also a double-precision floating point value formetted to ieee734). As a result it would provide a remote controller."""
You'd better go learn some #Ithkuil as the planet devolves into a complete clownshow
A reminder that obnoxious, blocking cookie consent banners are not required by law but are there because tech companies had a massive tantrum at being prevented from tracking the bejesus out of you by default.. They don't need to be annoying or intrusive, companies can absolutely choose not to track, to track less, or make the consent experience easier, they choose not to
Beat idlers faster with this simple trick!
We're on the verge of truly great... (checks notes) smart locks, huh?
https://gather.town/, but in Europa Universalis setting instead. Lay claims to other's hours, claim and invade meeting rooms, watch the dissemination of project knowledge and corporate culture.
Toots as he pleases.