Wayflan: a from-scratch Wayland client for Common Lisp
Link: https://sr.ht/~shunter/wayflan/
Discussion: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=33289078
Let's render something more interesting on #PinePhone with #NuttX: Mandelbrot Set
Are you interested in a #PinePhone keyboard #Sxmo battery indicator that does not display the phone as charging when only the keyboard battery is active but no USB charger connected, that displays an empty keyboard battery as 0% and/or that displays the keyboard battery as 200% to take into account that its capacity is twice as high compared to the phone battery? Then take a look at this: https://phal.io/tech/sxmo#pinephone-keyboard
New app listing: Flare https://linuxphoneapps.org/apps/de.schmidhuberj.flare/
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