@rockylinux has their own build system called Peridot! Learn more from this talk they gave at FOSDEM earlier this year: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TVa6J7GzJeA
#FlockToFedora #FlockIreland #RockyLinux #Peridot #Linux
@fedora @rockylinux now out of date since IBM took down source access to RHEL
#redhat #deadrat #ibm #geek #linux #rhel
@falken @fedora @rockylinux No, Rocky Linux is not out of date. Updates resumed within a day of the announcement from Red Hat. Details on how are at https://rockylinux.org/news/keeping-open-source-open
@brian @fedora @rockylinux I was mad at them, not Rocky
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@falken @fedora @rockylinux No, Rocky Linux is not out of date. Updates resumed within a day of the announcement from Red Hat. Details on how are at https://rockylinux.org/news/keeping-open-source-open