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Just had the chance to change prod on Friday, and instead created an issue due Monday

The State Department admits the window for peace is "closing fast," but is either reprehensibly unwilling or incompetently unable to apply the necessary pressure to achieve it. Trump's talks with Putin are the essence of empty, performative diplomacy.

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This is the most helpfully packaged box of screws I've ever seen, by a large margin. I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate whomever was responsible for such a triumph of utility and empathy.

Vegas and Disney are gross and overrated and, oh yeah, you can BE DISAPPEARED HERE NOW with zero legal recourse because nearly every person or agency charged with enforcing the law supports the suspension of the law if a designated obersturmfuhrer tells them to disappear someone. That's how it works now. It's not worth some fucking teacup ride or whatever. Have fun that keeps your money in your community.

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Well, there are security measures available 😏

Keep this in mind when people claim cars mean business — closing Central #Madrid to cars over holidays resulted in a 9.5% boost in retail spending on its main shopping street: STUDY. There was also a 71% drop in air pollution. Via in #citymakingmath #citiesforpeople

Closing Central Madrid To Cars...

'After Burner II' was released on the SEGA Mega Drive 35 years ago today in Japan.

UPDATE: There were less than 4 entries, so no draw tonight :(

Today's #MARCHintosh giveaway is a bit fancier than usual... I’ve had this Macsense PCI Ethernet card for ages, but no PCI Mac to go along with it, so it could use a better home!

To enter, reply to this toot with ‘vroom!' and a photo of the Mac you are going to put it in.

The Hat-o-matic will draw one winner tomorrow evening, Monday 24 March. Good luck :D

@anon_opin All that “Spanish” lager? Brewed down the road in Burton Upon Trent. Want some decent lager? Find an independent pub that does craft beers or a tap attached to a micro brewery. Or even better. Drink ale.

The switch to 20mph roads in Wales meant:

🟢 100 fewer dead or seriously injured
🟢 26% fewer injured
🟢 The lowest 3 month casualty figure since records began 46 years ago

That's in just the first year. Real lives saved, real families spared a lifetime of pain and hardship.

America is no longer a trustworthy ally. It would be unsafe to buy military hardware from them. Meanwhile, all the US's former allies will need to double their defence spending, buying jets, tanks, missiles, etc., from non-US democracies.

"Why do you need a 3D printer" they asked?

Because...this 👇

@Natasha_Jay Blake's 7 was an excellent series. Yes, the sets and SFX were not up to today's standards, but the writing was of a very high standard, the characterisations were superb and it had some of the best acting in any sci-fi series then or since. Also, the moral ambiguity of the characters, blurring the line between the "good guys" and the "bad guys" added a real world texture seldom seen on television.

And was Blake a terrorist, knowing that he was being set up by an authoritarian regime for a crime he didn't commit, a regime that drugged its own population to keep them servile? Then consider the character of Servalan, probably the best evil baddie ever written, and a woman no less!

If we never see a new series of Blakes 7 it will be simply because writers couldn't better the original, and commissioners are not brave enough.

Move over, Alexa and HomeKit: A new Assistant is here to open source your smart home
Home Assistant gets a boost from the Open Home Foundation, a nonprofit meant to ensure that smart home projects remain open and accessible to everyone.

The OSA is bad for accessibility, bad for privacy, and bad for sex workers - and it doesn't even fulfil its intended purpose. #porncensorship #onlinesafetyact

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