@Vigdisol always happy to connect with others who have also worked with embrittlement in steels. A few months ago I was supporting a project at SWERIM (Sweden) seeking to develop 2GPa press-hardening steels that had better hydrogen resistance (deep trap formation; carbon vacancies at coherent / semi-coherent interface of nano-sized carbides). The topic of hydrogen and steels merits much research; it seems critical for our future H2 economy / infrastructure
@Vigdisol that is true. I’ve also seen some novel coating solutions being developed; ultimately, the most eco-centric solution should hopefully prevail, one that accounts for all stakeholders in material choices (community, souring, feasibility, lifecycle etc). Truly calls for a systems thinking approach to these emergent technologies. A recent article I wrote, which might of interest; https://www.formresilience.com/how-fungi-could-decarbonize-the-critical-metals-landscape/
@formresilience You are absolutely right. Thank you for the article. I will read it after getting rid of the flu. Brain is running ab 50% 🤧.
@Vigdisol wishing you a fast recovery! There seems to be a lots of sickness going around here also in Switzerland - and with young children, one can always count on them to bring it home :)
@formresilience Thank you. Yes, it is doubling up with the flu and Covid. In the case of source of infection, that may include older children as well. :)
@formresilience So nice with a fellow HE research enthusiast in here! You are absolutely right, and now this field finally gets the attention that is required. It is indeed a bottleneck if not controlled. PS. Deep traps are efficient until they are all filled …