Just discovered the #3D mode of #ORUI ( org-roam-ui of #emacs )!
I know that probably has been there for a while, but have never activated it!
Do you also use #orgRoam ?
This is a core node with an index, not sure if I should use it or link nodes differently.. but comes handy and can always disable it with filters
#secondBrain #zettelkasten #roam #orgmode #mindMap #mindMapping #vfx #movies
woohoo!! You are much more advanced than me @nickanderson !
Love it!!!
Do you also use it for journaling?
@frayoshi I dunno about advanced, but its definitely full of content, I work in it all day, so things add up quickly.
And yes, I do use it for journaling. Often it feels like there is little that I don't use org-mode for.