So I got the raw 3d MRI source files from the hospital. Then I got the software needed to view the MRI in 3d. It let me rotate, slice, and even colorize the images. So **I** generated these images from the raw MRI. It shows my kidney, heart, and skeleton from 4 different angles fully colorized. How cool is that!
I also included some of just the heart and kidneys on its own from the same scan.
@y6nH why wont they "let" you? i mean i would think if you are willing to pay for the cost they shouldnt really care either way.
I mean, they won't just let us do it for a laugh. Everything's possible if you have enough money.
The company I work for actually does metal 3d printing of surgical implants, and they won't even let us print life-size titanium replicas of our own skulls, buddy.