Calling an illegal immigrant an "undocumented immigrant" is like calling someone who is breaking and entering into your home an "undocumented tenant".
This is coming from a person who believes illegal immigrants are not worth our time or money to prevent and, if we werent a welfare state, I'd be pushing for open borders.
@celesteh Simple
first I dont see it as dehumanizing, nor did I when it was used to describe me, nor does any of my friends who are illegal immigrants.
second I use it because it is a more accurate term than the alternative and I generally find the euphemism treadmill to be a waste of energy and causes more conflict than good in most cases.
You seem to be under the very faulty impression I somehow dont want migrants, even illegal ones. As I stated in my opening remarks, I do not feel we should waste any real money on deporting illegal immigrants,a nd I would even support completely open borders if it werent for the fact that welfare would make that impractical.