
If you haven't checked out yet you should probably check out and get an account. We have thousands of people on the local server most with extensive STEM backgrounds. It's an active server. But best part is that its not only distributed and decentralized but we also offer a ton of other distributed and compatible services.

Some of the other services we offer for free:

- Host your own website on your own domain with us for free.

- Get a free unlimited GitLab account to host any files or source code you want to share.

- Get a free NextCloud account, also hosted on QOTO. Its like google drive just with actual privacy.

- Many other features coming up this week including: A discourse server to host discussions, Photo hosting, Video hosting, and music hosting. All for free, and all using decentralized and federated technologies.

@freemo given TANSTAAFL, how is all this funded?

@twdockery Through donations, I donated 10,000$ to the fund out of my personal money when I started the QOTO non-profit. That is more than enough to sustain us for several years. But since people continue to donate it will likely sustain us indefinitely.

I might sign up an alt as my technology learner persona. Thanks for maintaining this awesome instance.

@Rovine It would be wonderful to have you here!

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.