@retiredguru@social.linux.pizza The line would be this: You must be either a STEM professional, student, or enthusiast to have a local account.
I know Star Trek : TNG anywhere, this is perfect lolol
Would one count as an “enthusiast” if they’re into sciency YouTube channels and other light snacking but would enjoy learning how to have heavier meals* if they only knew where to look? @freemo @retiredguru
Woo! :ablobderpyhappy:
I imagine such a person to be like some 10-12 yo who wandered into a high school science lab while they’re working on projects and, also somehow, nobody kicked him out. He’d just, kinda, watch what they’re doing, fascinated, maybe ask a few questions while trying to not get in the way. @freemo @retiredguru
Thats fine. The guy who inspired this question was blasting anti-STEM conspiracy theory stuff, mostly all flat-earth related directly or indirectly.. 80 posts over the course of a few days.
Sounds like that ol’ blighter has an agenda! Too much effort for a mere troll. I’ll restrain from throwing out pet theories on flat-earthers for fear of looking like a tinfoil-hatter. By the by, you all might find this vid amusing!
@freemo @retiredguru
@freemo @retiredguru
"I will not sacrifice the [STEM]. We've made too many compromises already, too many retreats. They invade our space, and we fall back. They assimilate entire worlds, and we fall back. Not again. The line must be drawn here! This far, no farther!"