I know I talk alot of shit about trump, and I really dont like him much. But I must admit, he has done an amazing job handling the coronavirus so far.
Here are some of the things he has done that I am fairly pleased with:
1) Every year he has been in office he signed into law year-after-year budget increases for the CDC
2) He quickly barred incoming flights from both china and europe once cases became significant
3) he quickly issued a state of emergency and orderer the deployment of a US navy quarantine ship to help
4) His administration approved covering all costs for mandatory medical testing and quarinting for COVID-19 patients...
5) He issued a 1,000$ UBI to all american citizens to help alleviate financial problems.
He definitely did a better job than the last few presidents did when handling H1N1 and SARS.
Supporters and apologists of Trump can't be attacked at a moral, human level. And, yes, give credit where credit is due. However, the obvious shortcomings of Trump and his administration HAVE to be accepted, not sugar-coated, and scrutinized by ALL. This includes many Trump supporters whom he screwed over by installing nothing but lobbyists and billionaires who promote nothing more than *crony capitalism*. I say this as a captialist, the system can't continue to be rigged -- no matter if you're left, right, or center.
Your main point about installing lobbyists and billionairs for cronyism is valid, and certainly something Trump is guilty for. But to be fair so were the clintons, hillary, Bush, all the presidents.
Hell even sanders lived on welfare his whole life, destitute and poor, then became a career politician and is now a multi-millionaire...
Not that it makes it right but your literally describing every politician and president with very few exaceptions.
No thats a cop out.. you can run a campaign, get billions in donations, and not actually cash it out for **yourself**. If those costs go directly to your campaign then it has no effect on your personal net worth.
He owns 3 homes and is a multi-millionaire, no he doesn't need that to run a campaign.
I didnt mean to imply he stole campaign funds. The point is, you dont need to be personally rich to run for president. Campaign funds arent you rmoney so you can have plenty of money for a campaign and not need to be rich.
The idea that he was only poor because hw was working full time to get elected is a weak excuse. A highly skilled and educated individual has more than enough opportunity to make money and pursue a career in politics. The fact is, sanders isnt a very intelligent person nor is he very skilled.
Literally sanders only skill is pandering to the public for popularity while he hemorrhages money.
I'd say what he did was very exploitive. He lied, pandered, flipped and tricked us every step along the way by promising whatever would get him attention then not delivering... Then he wrote a book about it that was more of the same... I'd say thats pretty exploitive IMO.