I feel like we need a term that means something similar to "All Lives Matter" but without the anti-BLM connotation that phrase has. Somethign that means a more positive version of that (truly that all lives matter)... I'm thinking I'm going to start using #LivesMatter for that in the future. Hopefully it will be more unifying a phrase.
@realcaseyrollins I dont really have anything against BLM per se.. some people use BLM and are bad people, some are good people, like anything else.
It isntt hat I have an objections to BLM, its more that I feel reducing everythign to the racial component divides us more than it unifies us. When I hear BLM I hear "lets talk about issues faced exclusively by blacks"... which is fine, that deserves attention by all means, and I want that voice to be heard. But Often, especially in the current situation, as I said, it can be lacking to reduce the problem down to just that.. What I really want to hear people say when it comes to George floyd is something more like "Hey police brutality is an issue that effects blacks more than most, but it is an issue we are all a victim of, so lets address it as a problem we all face".
I dont want us to ignore the black component but to recognize it is only one component and not the whole problem.
Its for that reason I think #BLM is to an extent self defeating and why #LivesMatter is more fitting, it is inclusive of black lives but recognizes a bigger issue that needs discussing.