Liberals: Which 'science' are we supposed to believe?
Fromt he link: 'But the problem is “the science” changes, often quickly.'
Thats not a problem. Your opinion should change quickly too. Thats the exact correct response to new evidence.
Wow. Unfucking believable.
If anyone has ZERO right to say that, it's you.
When I showed you Fauci's new hypothesis of death rate "well under <1%" you came back and claimed that's not what he was saying at all, and that you had access to all the latest data, and it's still at least 3% and will probably end up being closer to 5%, then called me a Flat Earther.
Guess how much credibility you have.
No thats not what I said.
What I had said was that claiming the virus is no worse than the flu was "flat earther" mentality. That is still true. Get it straight.
As a side note to what I said, As I expressed in that thread there is a difference between COVID-19 (a disease which the virus causes in **some** people it infects) and SARS-COV-2 which is the virus itself.
The deathrate of COVID-19 is much higher thant he death rate of the virus itself.