@Gargron you mean the version of the DB software itself I suppose? Seems reasonable.
Though I am actually kinda surprised given your size you havent moved to a master-slave configuration yet, though not sure if mastodon supports that. I think it was one of the things pleorma was trying to sell as a feature, dont quote me thoguh.
Either way, good luck!
@Gargron ahh, lame. and kinda surprising, postgres has a better reputation than that. Though to be fair I dont use postgres as a developer as much as I used to in a way where I need to maintain my own instance. I've been using amazon AWS's postgres for a while now in most professional settings and that is always seemless somehow on upgrades.
@Gargron Ahh, weird choice on your part, but i guess its easy to ignore considering how much of a PITA it can be to do database upgrades.
Not sure what the postgres version was when i first moved over to AWS for most of my work. Wouldnt suprise me if they had a work around even on 9.x somehow.
@freemo What do you mean choice? This database started running in early 2016.
@Gargron I guess by choice i meant the choice not to upgrade it sooner :)
@Gargron @freemo It's pretty respectable that you've been keeping a Postgres 9 based instance running for that long, with all of its patches, and have been able to do zero downtime updates. 🥂
I've never had to do a zero downtime upgrade from major postgres versions. Since 2016 I've worked at shops that only use RDS (nice, but expensive/locks you to Amazon, which is a terrible company)
If some shop wrote a way to do streaming updates from 9->13, it's probably closed, internal and proprietary
@djsumdog @Gargron @szbalint @freemo
Don’t suppose the underlying storage is anything that supports snapshots? If so…
Down DB
Snapshot FS
pg_upgrade with link option to sub directory of parent
DB up
Did this a while back and the whole process took less time than it did to type this out. This was on a DB just short of a TB and going from 9.6 to 12. Downtime was measured in seconds and way way less than pg_dump and avoided the double disk requirement.
If you are confident in your backups (You are doing streaming to a replica with wal file backup, aren’t you? ) then you can do the same and skip the snapshot and just accept the longer downtime in the unlikely event something goes sideways.
@freemo Mind that Postgres is like 3 major versions ahead of me. Latest is 13, I believe. More recent versions have logical replication which do not need both ends to be on the same version. I'm just stuck in the past.