@Gargron you mean the version of the DB software itself I suppose? Seems reasonable.
Though I am actually kinda surprised given your size you havent moved to a master-slave configuration yet, though not sure if mastodon supports that. I think it was one of the things pleorma was trying to sell as a feature, dont quote me thoguh.
Either way, good luck!
@freemo Mastodon supports replication and I used it in the past to migrate physical machines (and upgrade disk space that way). However, Postgres 9.6 has no way of upgrading to more recent versions via replication as both ends have to use the same version.
@Gargron ahh, lame. and kinda surprising, postgres has a better reputation than that. Though to be fair I dont use postgres as a developer as much as I used to in a way where I need to maintain my own instance. I've been using amazon AWS's postgres for a while now in most professional settings and that is always seemless somehow on upgrades.
@freemo Mind that Postgres is like 3 major versions ahead of me. Latest is 13, I believe. More recent versions have logical replication which do not need both ends to be on the same version. I'm just stuck in the past.
@Gargron Ahh, weird choice on your part, but i guess its easy to ignore considering how much of a PITA it can be to do database upgrades.
Not sure what the postgres version was when i first moved over to AWS for most of my work. Wouldnt suprise me if they had a work around even on 9.x somehow.