For every #covidiot the price increased to 1 million

We award 1Million € for the scientific proof of the existence of a #coronavirus , including the documented control attempts of all steps taken in the #proof.



::Herp derp::

You: We offer 1 million award for proof of covid

::thousands of doctors offer undeniable proof of covid::

You: Not like that, you have to prove it in a way that conspiracy theory know nothings that would never admit they are wrong wind up admitting they are wrong... silly doctors!

@akeno links to an idiot that agrees with you is not evidence you are right.. it just means there is more than one idiot.

That was Chinese #CDC official admitting on #NBC. try to guess again who is idiot.

#MilgramExperiment Cry

@akeno Did you even watch the video, thats not what he said... He was asked about the fish market and the data specifically out the fish market. He stated the issue was that while they tested the animals and it tested positive they never isolated the virus from the samples **at the fish market**, and that he suspected the source of the virus was somewhere else.

What he did **not** say is that we never isolated the virus at all/in general.

So yea, pretty sure im sticking with who the idiot is here.

Nice. Pathological psychopathic #liar.


"They didn't isolate the virus tha't the issue"

No fish market.

@akeno @freemo

This shit is still going? SMH.

Ok, so, from every scientific, medical, biological, academic, and other angle, people are agreeing that Covid-19 exists, and debating it's significance, treatment, and focusing the debate on "is individual liberty worth sacrificing to let politicians foreclose on it for the sake of something we can't quite control the biology of, at a fucking genetic level." Yet, while that important debate is occurring, Exosome here wants to argue it's ALL fake.

Might as well just jump to "everything is fake" and "we live in a simulation" at that point, honestly, because there is more foundation for that discussion than there is for Covid isn't real. If Covid isn't real, what is?


Everyone dismisses dumbass schizoid ideas.. that usually causes the people who beleive it to just repeat themselves over and over again like a broken record... You cant argue with stupid, willful ignorance is a choice not a conclusion.


Β· Β· 2 Β· 0 Β· 1
@freemo @akeno It's basic logic construction and fallacy spotting. This discussion isn't going to be solved with science, this discussion needs to drop back down to "the rules of the road" and stop trying to trail blaze a path through a wasteland of unsupported premises. I would suggest, starting here:

I admire Exo's passion, but the conversation is derailed far to much at the premise to conclusion level, IMHO.


You misread my intent.. I have no intent to argue with the dude and get him to understand. I already know he is a lost cause. At this point my only intent is to mock the completely absurd and psychopathic ideas he utters just so other people reading the thread dont get the sense that this moron has any sense of reality in the least.


@freemo @akeno

No, I mean I'm willing to pitch in for @akeno to get the book, because I think his passion would be a benefit, if his argument structures were more solid (he could patch the holes we spot before he says them). I actually am fucking broke as shit right now, otherwise I'd just buy the book and send it... Because, I think everyone should own a copy anyway, but here's what I got I'll do at the moment, if it helps at all:

@10grans tip 0.01 to @akeno


Ahh ok. yes, if he could learn to make logical arguments he would quickly learn why his arguments arent logical... I agree.

But knowing this type of person I honestly dont think he is even capable of self reflection or changing his opinion on something. He is of a group of sad sack people who never really grow intellectually because they draw conclusions in the first 30 seconds of hearing about something and then never change their opinion no matter what evidence comes their way. They just collect everything that remotely makes it sound like their right, look no deeper, and call it a day.

@10grans @akeno


I get the feeling you dont have the brain cells needed to understand that a list of studies that did not happen to purify the virus (as it didnt need to for the purpose of the study) in no way inplies that the virus was never isolated in **any** study. I already linked yesterday studies where the virus was scanned and described in isolation.


@freemo @Coyote @akeno
I missed the link/s you posted "yesterday" - would you mind posting them again. Or otherwise anything (independent/objective/honest) that shows how/where the sars-cov2 virus was isolated and shown to exist


I just woke up.. give me an hour or two to start caring about life again and ill try to dig it up for ya.

@akeno @Coyote

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