But, even then, 24:13 is by the side of Dec 09. And since the date is already being given, why need for 24:13? We don't need to indicate that it's on the next day, right?
@strawberryfieldsforever@freemo In software, seems kinda dumb. ISO-8601 pls. But reminds me of the thing where places that are open past midnight will write their hours like 18:00-26:00 because it's easier to parse.
It's rarer, but yeah, it is used.
Per this post on Quora,(https://www.quora.com/Do-you-say-24-00-o-clock-or-0-00-o-clock-Which-one-is-correct?top_ans=194018637)
any time after 24:00 should indicate those many hours after midnight the next day.
But, even then, 24:13 is by the side of Dec 09. And since the date is already being given, why need for 24:13? We don't need to indicate that it's on the next day, right?