Yesterday I had kind of a fckedup day.. When I woke up my gf was on the phone with our elderly friend on speaker so I overheard a conversation about me not paying enough money to my gf for all bills and her savings. This is the same guy who offered me a new MacBook a week ago if I could sell some of his old stuff and add money myself and now I overheard him saying this..

I got out of bed kinda angry and disappointed since he apparently talks behind my back while his actions say otherwise! He never has a bad word to say to me..

So I called him and said we could better cancel the new MacBook since I still have one that works and send the money to my gf for her savings and he said that was a good idea :mortyderp:​

I am so disappointed in him for talking behind my back that I'm completly done with him. If he calls or asks for any help again I'm gonna charge €20 per hour so I can save up myself.

I was not supose to hear the conversation but I did, since it was on speaker and they where almost yelling..

Don't get me wrong, I know it's just a MacBook and the gesture was good intended but for every little thing I gotta jump through hoops with him, like he's keeping me on a line or something..

And in the same time my gf and his daughter (who are good friends) have gotten the following from him: both a new electric bike, a new washing machine, a new dishwasher, a mega huge TV, a samsung surround set, a new bed and a a new couch!

I know I can also use it, but noting it "really mine"🤔 Every item i own in this world i can count on 1 hand

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@stux That just means he has nothing to lose by trying :)

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@freemo :blobcatgiggle:​ Well actually.. my gf is his only friend left in this world

Both his daughters dont want anything to do with him etc..

@freemo At this point i really don't care anymore :ablobwink:​ He also lost me as a friend thats for sure..

I cant deal with dishonest ppl

@stux You are dutch, you can barely hold in random commentary, let alone deal with lies :)

@freemo Hahahaha you got it! :blobcatgiggle:​

Only them in politics have those skills, but none other :blobcatgiggle:​

@stux the straight forward, no holding back, super honest to a fault, thing the dutch have going is my favorite :)

@freemo Hmm yeasss! I love that also! Dude, it saves soo much time if everyone where to do that :blobcatgiggle:​

But keep it "polite" ^ Or just brutally honest in a polite way

@stux yea obviously it cant be out of mallice. Most dutch do it to be constructive. Its so refreshing.

Though to be fair most of the world find you guys a bit too honest :)

@freemo :flan_laugh:​ I actually can't see how it's down with less.. Even now I think we should need much more honesty maybe in the form of transparancy in the government, software etc etc

But overall yes :blobcatgiggle:​ dont fck around, time is valuable!

@stux Well the dutch will do stuff like "So, why are you so fat?" like they wont mean it to be mean, they are legitimately curious and may even want to help... but obviously random tourists wont handle that well :)

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