@freemo I'm happy to lend some eyes and thoughts, though I am too busy to be on ongoing participant. But I can try for a focused brief effort, maybe aimed at a decent first draft.
Hopefully this could be of use. I have a good deal of experience with online spaces (being old enough to have been involved in many), and I have seen a variety of attempts at moderation and such in a variety of venues and seen problems of various sorts in action. Furthermore, I'm reasonably well-versed in the contemporary problem of echo chambers, amplification of misinformation, and the propensity to anti-social content, am familiar with the standard philosophical arguments in favor of free speech (including necessary preconditions and assumptions), and have at least a superficial understanding of how human psychology differs in online vs in-person interactions.
So although I'm not an expert in the area, for an amateur, I think I'm decently qualified to have some hope of making a worthwhile contribution despite a limited engagement.