@feld @freemo

Masks with close to zero efficacy according to a systematic review of 78 studies by Cochrane:


@vixxo @post @feld

Thank you. Now thst post has been clearly told in direct terms by cochrwin review thst he was wrong and what i and others said about the interpritstion is accurate lets see if he admits he is wrong... i higbly doubt it.

@freemo @vixxo @feld

No, the authors were forced by editors to change it, weren’t you supposed to promote academic freedom?

@post @vixxo @feld

Where do you get thst from.. their original version quite clesrly states what i said. Ut people misinterprited what they said to erroneously claim they meant what you said.. so they are changing the wording to be more explicit so people like you dont try and put words in their mouth like you did.

@freemo @vixxo @feld

No, the results of the review were clear, they needed to rephrase the abstract because of the political implications. It’s obvious for anyone that doesn’t live in a world of unicorns and rainbows.

So, in your world of unicorns and rainbows, how do you explain the Lancetgate?

@post @freemo @feld
2\ - third, the second point is made very, very, very strong from high quality evidence about mask and viruses and I can assure that noone will engage a SARS virus without adequate masking
- I can assure to you that in Cochrane none thinks masks aren't usefull even with that MA

@vixxo @post @freemo @feld Yeah I'm sure that's true; just like before administering a flu test one always puts on n95 respirators/etc. And gets trained to do it properly. I think it's clear that is helpful in reducing spread.

That doesn't mean surgical masks or cloth masks protect against these diseases, or me re-using a surgical mask that I leave in my car for a few days is at all a good idea.

@ech @post @freemo @feld The only 2/78 studies included in that MA about masks and covid shows masks work. They also included a Danish paper that apparently ignore the bidirectional cover from masks. Moreover the whole analysis is about policies and they clearly state about adherence. A bad application of a policy doesn't prove it doesn't work. @post here is mixing up on topics to avoid the specific issues. That way to claim proofs could demonstrate everything.

@vixxo @ech @freemo @feld

It reminds me of those who, in order not to admit that vaccines don’t work, say that it’s the fault of those who didn’t get them…


@post @vixxo @ech @feld

Except the vaccines do work, what you mean to say (if your being accurate, which you probably arent) is they dont work as well as the vaccines we are used to, they behave more like flu vaccines do, reducing risk significantly and having that protection fade with time, and without being able to establish a strong herd immunity as easily as with other vaccines (and perhaps not at all).

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@freemo @vixxo @ech @feld

No vaccine has ever helped end an epidemic or eradicate a disease and herd immunity is a theoretical concept based on extremely fragile assumptions


While it is rare that it will completely eradicate a disease, this is compelte nonsense. smallpox was eradicated through vaccines. We also have plenty of epidemics that have been ended and the disease only exists in small numbers now in vaccinated regions, polio is a good example of that.

You just go farther and farther into crazy town with your comments dude… how long before you start claiming no virus has ever been isolated and the earth is flat too?

@vixxo @ech @feld

@freemo @vixxo @ech @feld

Virions cannot be isolated physically but are believed to cause disease by inference and I recognize that evidence. If you stop misusing the term “isolate” maybe people would stop emphasizing that they can’t be isolated as if that would make a big difference. The misunderstanding is caused by those who use this improper term.

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