Wow, democrats are really showing their colors today with this whole "boycott the CNN" thing... Unless I missed soemthing he is a presidential candidate, and one who so far hasnt been found guilty of anything that would disqualify him... and a popular one.
Yes he is a piece of shit, and yes he has no business being in politics... But its not CNNs job to make those decisions. Their job is to let the candidates say their piece and let the public decide from there (or the courts if there are legal questions).
As much as I hate Trump... I lost **so** much respect for the democrats today. Supporting censorship, specifically doing so with the intent of winning an election in their favor, is a new low... dont be that party...
@freemo "I think a Banana Republic should get a fair shake in this country."
@MargaretSefton I dont think Trump should get a fair shake at all..I think the courts should e3xpose his crimes and once proven he should be barred from running...
What we shouldnt expect is CNN or any other news agency to pick which candidates get a voice and which dont.
@MargaretSefton I would be very happy to hear Trump is proven to have done things that make him ineligible for presidency. That would be wonderful.
If I had one wish from a magic genie I'd probably wish that Biden and Trump were ineligible to run for president in 2024.
@freemo I am not simpatico with you on that latter point.