➑️ #Admin #Indiewebsocial

With news of the probable launch of Meta's P95 I wanted to make clear this servers policy:

"Don't preemptively strike meta w/ a fediblock, but stay vigilant with eyes wide open and a finger on the block button."

The same as we do for all servers.

They can be blocked instantly if they violate our terms of use, and as admins are in a far stronger position if we do so then vs before.

I hope all #fediadmins to consider taking this same policy. 1 of X 🧡

🧡 2 of X:

Q. Won't federating with Meta let them data mine your users?

A. Fediblocking them does VIRTUALLY ZERO to stop any scraping that any big tech company would do to datamine the Fediverse.

As @jerry put it:

"Meta creating an account or an instance is really not an effective way to conduct a surveillance operation ...not on an infrastructure that has oodles of open APIs that make it far easier to collect data using direct connections vs creating an instance. "

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@tchambers @jerry

While i agree thwt survelance probably isnt their biggest goal it is important to note this would be the only way to datamine your follower only, dm, and private content. Without an instance there is just no way to get at that data.

That said i woukdnt block meta for the sake of it.

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@freemo @jerry

True that private DM's etc would not be publically scraped but many, many other ways get it. "Oodles of open APIs that make it far easier to collect data using direct connections vs creating an instance."

Simple point: defederation is simply not the tool to stop data mining.

@tchambers @jerry

There is no open api that would give them access to your dm, or follower only content. What do you mean?

@freemo @jerry I'll edit the original post to make that clearer what I was trying to get at.

@tchambers @jerry

No need to edit. I even agree that defederation ks not the way to handle it. Just say it does legitimately give them access to tons of your data thry couldnt get through the apis directly

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