Ok decided to up the ante on my CQC ar-15... already have the red-dot installed (posting that image again for reference)... I decided im going to ad a flip-to-side 3x magnifier (got a monstrum brand as it was the only good quality magnifier in FDE I could find). I also have 45 degree FDE iron sights ill add as a backup.
I ordered the parts, ill share the final configuration when its done!
@skobkin No its worth it. A supressor would be an excellent addition... I just havent had the time yet to get one... so if/when i get one its a ways away.
Good luck then!
And show us how it looks after you get it 👍
@skobkin should be thursday :)
Not worth it?
If I'd be able to own an AR like that I'd definitely get a suppressor if possible because although shooting is fun, it's also death for my ears 😔
// Not an argument, just my sentiment.