Just a reminder, wealth is **not** a zero sum game. If it were we would still be living in caves.


in this game there's always new pie beeing created and the rich fags get their fingers on them first when they are still fresh and warm !


what is the cantillon effect?


@mk There is no claim here that there arent issues that are unfair in the economy.. but the simple existence of rich people is not a red flag.


"wealthy people having money doesn not mean there's less money for you."

1. wealthy people control the monetary system

2. wealthy people print money

3. printing money decreases the value of money

4. if the wage of ordinary people doesn't rise with inflation, they got less purchasing power...or simple..less money.


00:04:09 usa printed more than a third of the active money supply in the economy today in 2020/2021


Hyperinflation is Already Here – You Just Haven't Realised It Yet.



my position is:

you CAN NOT have working freemarket capitalism if you don't fix the monetary system first.

what should happen:
switching back to gold backed paper (like the BRICS does)

what is going to happen:
a totalitarian cbdc nightmare

@mk Regardless if thats true or not, it still isnt about the OP. I have no objection discussing the bigger problem, but that would deserve its own thread, not hijacking one of an unrelated topic.


@mk What are you talking about, I answered this already here as a reply:


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