@mk Jesus christ, I never said that things dont have a price... money and wealth are different things. Wealth is also not the sum of all the prices of everything you own either...
But you seem more intent on arguing about something you dont understand than trying to learn and having a productive conversation...
@mk Money is part of the conversation, but money is not wealth.. first you need to understand how wealth is generated and what it even means. Then we can tie it back into money.
"how wealth is generated"
thats easy..you sell a product or service to another person and take THEIR money away from them in the process.
you're the one making everything unnecessarily complicated
@mk Sadly the world is sometimes complicated. the level of complication is needed (and would become evident if this were a productive conversation)
@mk Well its complicated. The question is how deep do we need to go in order to understand the original question.
So in its simple terms people think of it as the total sell value of everything you have. But in reality thats not the case for several reasons.
1) The money you can get for an object can be drastically different depending on how quickly you want to sell
2) As you sell goods you effect the market balance and as such effect the money value of the very thing you are trying to measure.
3) even if you do find a way to define the money value of an object it really only has relevance for a particular moment in time and place.. Any other currency, or time and youll get very different numbers. In other words, the value is fixed to utility, as is the market.
For example to #1, if I have an antique gold ring I get very different amount of money if i sell instantly (pawn shop or melt value) vs if im willing to auction it. If I am willing to wait months for the right buyer, in the case of a specialty item, it may take some time. This can more than double the sell price of an item.
So if we cant use the simple definition then how do we define wealth... Well the best way to think of it is the worth of everything you have in a much more abstract case.
As I said earlier its best to think of this in terms of a world of one or two people.. If I am the only person in the world and I own 2 cows that feeds me, I have wealth (the worth of 2 cows in terms of their utility)... If I breed those 2 cows and have 4 cows, I now have twice the wealth I did before, even if I am the only person on the planet and money never existed.
Now if all of a sudden some other person existed on the planet with me and offered me 100$ a cow, if i have 2 cows still and he offers me double at 200$ a cow, even though the money value is twice, it doesnt imply I have created any wealth, since i have all the same "stuff" I had before, and presumably the worth of the cows hasnt changed (if it did I might have more wealth).
To e
No, well sorta. A society can pick anything as money. It can be pieces of paper, or it can be camels.. sure.. But those things arent money just because someone somewhere used them for trade.
Two cows **could** be money, if society were to make it money.. but it doesnt just become money because we happened to trade them once.
"One unit of value was cattle,which were used as currency up to around 1400 CE, long after the introduction of coinage. This could be “exchanged” to a value in sét, “jewels”, ungae, “ounce” (usually of silver), or cumal, “female slave”."
Yes your quote agrees just fine with my first response to you about cows as money:
your definition of wealth is retarded, because nobody understands it.
here's mine
1. wealth is the shit you own.
2. money is the thing you use to facilitate trade.
everybody on planet earth understands this..because its easy and doesn't need to be complicated.
The accepted definition of wealth may very well be too complicated for you and others to understand. I'd like to think you can, but perhaps your right. But an idea being too complicated for you to understand doesnt suddenly make you right to make up a fictional definition all your own just so you can understand it.
"make up a fictional definition all your own just so you can understand it."
where do word come from?
maaayybeee people making up shit and other people adopting them? ..maybe based on common sense and comprehensibility?
wealth | cambridge dictionary:
a large amount of money or valuable possessions
wealth | american dictionary:
a large amount of money and other valuable possessions
take the L, bro
Oh im sorry, you were right about everything, now that I realize you were using your own made up words with entirely different definitions than what is accepted I realize now I was the fool and should have realized you were really just speaking english from 100 years int he future that you just invented this very moment... God i should have learned to listen to you sir, I feel so stupid.
"you were using your own made up words"
you're the one using your own private language..i agree with cambridge on the american dictionary.
*afk coffee* ;-)
Cambridge dictionary is fine, it works in a laypersons discussion... But like much scientific language it is simplified for lay people and technical definitions usually need to be understood if you want to have a more technical discussion.
fuck the link was fucked up. i wanted to link to this:
the problem is that you don't seem to understand what money is.
money isn't just cash or coins or entries in a database.
it can be eggs, apples, camels, slaves or even stones..
you're not living alone on some planet. you're living in planet earth. and here we use money to facilitate trade.
your wealth of two cows can also be money..