"Because the truth be told, White supremacy is not a mental health issue," Jones said on the House floor. "It is about terrorism, and the shooting that happened in Jacksonville, Florida, was not quote-unquote racially motivated. It was racial terrorism, and until we acknowledge that fact, until we act on that fact, it will continue to happen."

'White supremacy is not a mental health issue': Justin Jones scolds GOP after Jacksonville shooting


@StillIRise1963 These arent mutual exclusive... If someone wants to be a terrorist, that is a mental health issue. Anyone who behaves this way has mental health issues.

@freemo @StillIRise1963

As a so-called "mentally ill" person, I'm sick of gun violence being framed as a "mental health" issue. The vast majority of mass shooters have never been diagnosed with any psychiatric condition. So-called "mentally ill" people are far, far more likely to be victimized by so-called "mentally well" people than vice versa.

Stop blaming this shit on mentally ill people when it is, in fact, sane racists who are doing this.


Thats some broken logic. Just because virtually all people who are violent have mental health issues does **not** mean that simply because you have a mental health issue you are violent or more likely to be violent.

You are sick of gun violence, great, being mentally doesnt mean you get to speak for all mentally ill people.


@freemo @sidereal @StillIRise1963
Citation needed. Citation required, in fact. Are you defining terrorism or gun violence as a mental illness? That dog won't hunt.

Making morally wrong choices isn't a mental illness. Full stop.


I am saying that in order to carry out acts of violence you must be mentally ill. Healthy well functioning people dont behave that way.

@sidereal @StillIRise1963

@freemo hard disagree. You’re getting awfully close to a “no true Scotsman” fallacy there


No you are just hung up on words... I am talking "mentally unhealthy"... you are talking "Pyschosis" which is an entierly different medical category. While I am not claiming everyone who is violent has psychosis they are mentally ill as wanting to hurt people is, by definition, a mentally unhealthy trait.

@freemo then your definition of “mentally ill” is so broad as to be meaningless. And it ignores completely justifiable violence, such as self-defense.



then your definition of “mentally ill” is so broad as to be meaningless.

Yes, as with many valid concepts it is very broad and effects a lot of people. Hardly meaningless because it represents people who could be helped by therapy and a conscious attempt to be a mentally healthy individual. So while broadly applicable it is quite meaningful.

And it ignores completely justifiable violence, such as self-defense.

Doesnt ignore it at all. I never said all violent acts, I said violent people. Someone who only commits violence to prevent a greater violence is not a violent person.

@freemo you aren’t going therapy a nazi out of wanting to do harm, I’m afraid.

@sfrazer434 I beg to differ. If a nazi is actively seeking therapy it is very likely they are going to change their ways. I cant tell you how many times ive seen a horribly racist and violent person change their ways after a serious commitment to therapy.

@freemo here’s the thing. You responded to an article about a man standing up to a bunch of white people excusing another white person’s violent behavior against black people as a fault of their mental health. And you stepped in not to say: that violent individual should have sought therapy for their issue, but to say: the black guy is wrong. Your optics are bad, and if you don’t feel bad about _that_ we’re now in a “physician, heal thyself” situation.

@sfrazer434 Heres the thing, you heard exactly what you wanted to with no connection to reality…

What I did say:

If someone wants to be a terrorist, that is a mental health issue.

Never said anything about right or wrong, black or white… I said there was a health issue at play, essentially what you said I should say, that he should have sought therapy (what is implied by saying they had a mental health issue).

At no point did I “defend” the actions in any way, in fact later I even reiterated quite the opposite with:

We shouldnt use it as an excuse or a free pass… it should be used as a focus on where our energy should go, in helping to make people mentally healthy so they dont do this sort of stuff, not as an excuse to give them a pass.

@freemo what you said was:
“These arent mutual exclusive... “ your failure to communicate is on you, not the people who read your words.


> “These arent mutual exclusive... “ your failure to communicate is on you, not the people who read your words.

Spoken like someone who hears what they want to hear rather than what is being said.

The failure to communicate is on both of us. It is up to me to communicate clearly and up to you to ask questions if you dont understand something.

In this case since I have direct quotes of whatI said that directly contradict your claim it seems to me the fialure is on you for not taking the time to carefully read what was said

@freemo maybe if this was a conversation. It’s not. No one asked for your input, you gave it and that puts the onus on you to be clear. And to be clear: I’m done trying to educate you. I’ve got more important work to do. Have a good day


You are a pro at moving that goal post... First it was because I said the black person was wrong.. then when i showed you quotes saying just the opposite now its "not a conversation" lolol.. just keep moving those goal posts till your right!

Sadly your right this isnt a conversation, because im the only one actually trying to engage in good faith here.

@freemo @sfrazer434 no one moved the goal post but you. Shut up, sea lion.

@freemo @sfrazer434 your good faith is not in evidence. You’ve been arguing in bad faith the whole time with your pro-Nazi “just asking questions” rhetoric.

@freemo @sfrazer434 terrorists and Nazis CANNOT be therapized out of their genocidal ambitions. It is NOT a mental illness; it is a choice. Just like it was a choice for so many people to try to kill me because they believed an autistic child should not be suffered to live. If it wasn’t a choice, then you would have to say that the entire school system, and the police department was mentally ill, and that I did not actually suffer 300+ crimes against my person because of *their* mental illness. If I ended up dead, why no one would be charged with my murder! (No one would have anyway. I was not recognized as a human being and I had fewer rights than my pet cats. If I had been murdered, no judge in the land would have ruled that a homicide since I wasn’t considered human to begin with.)

@freemo @sfrazer434 yeah, that will NEVER happen. You are either a sealioning apologist for Nazis or you’ve never actually met one. Being a Nazi is not a mental disorder; it’s a choice. And you can’t be a Nazi unless you actively want genocide.

@freemo @sfrazer434 again, Nazis would spit on your therapy. They CHOSE to be that way. No one chooses to be mentally ill.

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