> I don’t think he meant what he said, and I don’t think he’s a bad person – it just came across that way.

I'm shocked to see the #Adidas CEO have the same take as I do about #ye.


@realcaseyrollins I was done with Ye after he said the slavery of Africans was a choice (dude is ignorant of history).

📹 youtu.be/s_M4LkYra5k

Ye either is crazy or he meant what he said, as Ye kept making anti-Semitic statements, & he even praised Hitler on Alex Jones's show.

📹 youtu.be/t86V-1dmS6k

Ye’s words were evil, & I am not going to excuse his behavior because he is a talented artist or business man.

@darnell Wasn't he having a manic episode during that #TMZ interview? I don't judge folks for what they do during manic episodes, although where appropriate they still must face consequences for those actions ( #FouseyTube is a good example of this, I think)

I agree that he is likely ignorant of history. As I stated before, I think #NickFuentes essentially brainwashed him so that he has a false understanding of #Nazi #Germany. I don't think he's bad if he's being ignorant, ignorance is not evil.

My take is that he is ignorant and brainwashed, rather than an evil racist, as is that of the #Adidas CEO. But I wish that #ye would speak out and say what he thinks of, say, #Nazi #Germany rounding up and killing Jews.

@realcaseyrollins If true then Ye should have taken his medicine & apologized for his behavior. Until he does the latter, Ye will continue to be ostracized by every smart business on planet Earth.


Correct me if im wrong but he has a history of relapses and if he does get better he has in the pest apologized for a lot of the shit he has done no?

But the point is, lets assume he hasnt taken his meds, or perhaps the meds arent working as is often the case. I dont think we are being the good guys attacking him, however justified, for what was ultimately a manifestation of a disease, one he continues to struggle with.

You dont think our behavior as a public, one that responds with hate rather than compassion, is likely to make his medication condition worse and harder for him to recover and get to a point he can honestly reflect?


@freemo @realcaseyrollins Ye is an affluent adult with influence, not an impoverished person on the streets. If he is unwilling to take his medication, then he will be held accountable for his actions & words. He has no excuses, nor will he receive sympathy from me.

If he was willing to be responsible, he would take his medicine & apologize.


Ye is an affluent adult with influence, not an impoverished person on the streets.

That seems like a very confusing response to me… So we are only supposed to be compassionate when someone is poor and has a disease resistant to treatment… when your rich and the pills arent working (or your disease is telling you not to take them) suddenly your disease isnt an acceptable explanation?

You do realize

1) one of the symptoms of diseases like this is that you dont tend to take your pills once you relapsed cause you cant think straight and dont know why you need to.

2) Being able to afford pills doesnt magically mean its your choice when you have relapses. You can be perfectly medicated and still have a manic episode… obviously if your too poor to afford pills that makes it harder, but just because you have access to a drug that may help with symptoms doesnt mean your immune cause your rich.

If he is unwilling to take his medication, then he will be held accountable for his actions & words. He has no excuses, nor will he receive sympathy from me.

Why are you assuming he is unwilling to take his pills? It is not a curable disease, taking pills doesnt cure him… It may stop the relapses, but it may not. He very well may be fully medicated and still expierncing a relapse.

If he was willing to be responsible, he would take his medicine & apologize.

Thats a very ignorant view of mental disease. When your treatment isnt working, or when you arent treated, one symptom of the disease itself is to not want to take the meds.

This is a bit like being mad at someone with Tourettes for using vulgarity or an offensive word. “If they really cared they would take their pills and stopping saying that word”… except that, just like bipolar, often times the meds wont stop it at all…


@freemo @realcaseyrollins His ex-wife has repeatedly stated that Ye was unwilling to take his medicine. He is choosing to be irresponsible so he will not get sympathy from me for his words & actions.

He has an ability to rectify the situation but is choosing not to out of foolishness. So no, I will not be sympathetic towards his situation.


His ex-wife has repeatedly stated that Ye was unwilling to take his medicine. He is choosing to be irresponsible so he will not get sympathy from me for his words & actions.

Ok, and as pointed out not wanting to take your meds is a symptom of bipolar.. when their on meds they tend to be willing to stay on it. But once they relapse while on the meds the relapse makes them want to stop taking it, they do, and it continues.

You keep trying to say its his choice… once your in a bipolar episode no its no longer your choice to take the meds, it is the disease running your brain not you.

He has an ability to rectify the situation but is choosing not to out of foolishness. So no, I will not be sympathetic towards his situation.

No, he doesnt. When you have bipolar and are relapsing your choices are NOT your own. This includes the fact that the disease convinces you that you dont need meds.


@freemo @realcaseyrollins I know people who are bi-polar & most take their medicine.

I did encounter a violent one who in the past refused. Let's just say friends & his family were not going to put up with his 🐂💩 & gave him the option of taking his medication or suffer the consequences as an outcast.

He wisely took his medicine.

Ye is an adult & is responsible for his actions. He obviously can take care of himself.


I know people who are bi-polar & most take their medicine.

It is very individual. Bipolar is not a “you have it” or “you dont” .. there are types, sub types, and level of sevarity. A person with a very mild case will have a much easier time being treated and staying on it than someone with a much worse case.

It would be incorrect to assume just because many people with bopolar are treated and have success that that must be the case for Ye specifically.

Also keep in mind what you see is usually only the part them and their family let you… for many people with bipolar if they have a relapse and stop taking their meds (or dont) it is not uncommon for them to stay away from the public (usually with the help of their family) until they can get better. So you very well just may never see this side of them. Keep in mind Ye follows that pattern, he has been isolated from the world as a result of him not medicating. Only reason you know about it in this case is because he is famous, if it were an ordinary person you’d probably never know.

I did encounter a violent one who in the past refused. Let’s just say friends & his family were not going to put up with his 🐂💩 & gave him the option of taking his medication or suffer the consequences as an outcast.
He wisely took his medicine.

Its great he had family who forced his meds on him… but this also just goes to show how people off their meds think they dont need them and will resist it and its only when their life is indanger (like living on the street) you can sometimes force them to take it.

But Ye has money, so this wont work on him. He doesnt depend on anyone so they cant force him to take his meds.

Ye is an adult & is responsible for his actions.

I find it very harmful to those with mental health problems to spread this kind of harmful ideology (I know your a good person so im not saying this to attack you). I do hope you reconsider it.

The fact that he is an adult doesnt negate his mental disease or that he is a victim of it.

When you have a disease that dictates your entire personality and actions, then no he is not responsible for his actions. The fact that you had a friend that was forced to take a pill once when his life was at risk took it is hardly a good argument.

He obviously can take care of himself.

I mean, that doesnt seem obvious to me. But even if it where not sure how being able to brush your teeth comb your hair and feed yourself changes the fact that your entire personality and decision making capability is at the whim of your disease.




I just did some checking in the scientific journals.

Of people who have bipolar and need treatment, 40% of them refuse to take their meds despite having access.

It would seem your personal view of having many friends with bipolar who all take their meds very much inaccurate. It would seem a very large portion of the general bipolar population refuse medication.



@freemo @realcaseyrollins I know people with bi-polar (less than 10), not many people. They all take their medicine, & we only had an issue with one individual who was becoming increasingly violent (peer pressure worked & he now takes his medication regularly).

Ye is an adult. Just because he continues to refuse to take his medicine does not excuse his behavior or the consequences for his actions.


I know people with bi-polar (less than 10), not many people. They all take their medicine

And you feel your superficial (dont live with them) expiernce with a very small group of people (10) should be used to form your mental picture? Dont you think a peer reviewed study with intimate knowledge of the disease, which states 40% dont take their meds, is a far more accurate measure?

Under what circumstance do you know these 10 people that you can be confident they have never stopped taking their meds in their life? You have seen all 10 of these people every single day (or close to it) without exception for years on end? You know for a fact they never relapsed for a period and stayed home and you just never saw them? I need some details here to get a sense of how this is influencing you.

But regardless, very odd you think your expiernce with 10 people holds greater weight than a scientific paper that disagrees with you.

Ye is an adult.

You keep saying he is an adult, like somehow being an adult makes you immune to the disease

Just because he continues to refuse to take his medicine does not excuse his behavior or the consequences for his actions.

40% of bipolar people at any time refuse to take their meds as a result of the disease… this is scientific fact. You trying to make it sound like this is just him and not fromthe disease is intellectually dishonest when it is a proven fact this happens.


@freemo @realcaseyrollins You keep trying to excuse Ye’s actions because he is bi-polar.

We live in a society, & with that comes expectations. If you have an ability to be better, yet refuse, do not expect sympathy from society.

Ye’s actions are inexcusable. He will not receive any sympathy from me.


Even a court of law wont hold someone accountable for their actions during psychotic episodes.

I am sure you mean well. But honestly this is by far the most harmful thing I have ever heard you say,, that you think people expierncing severe mental illness are in control and accountable to it.

But I guess there is nothing else to say. I guess I just hope youll change that attitude before it does too much harm. Again I know you mean well so I have some hope of that.


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