In the USA, and much of the world, criticising both sides is a death sentence no matter how valid it is. @Free_Press
It will always depend on audience, and you create your own audience.
I make sure i am quite vocal about my criticisms of both sides because I know it will trigger these sort of people and I WANT them to get triggered, be offended by me and block me... Over time it leads to those people disapearing from my audience and I can have a healthy non-toxic interaction with my followers.
I appear to be reaching that point as the noise from that side has went down significantly.
@Free_Press @nuncio
its worth hearing out why the groups hate each other (it's part of old negociation, and nonviolent communication to do exactly this) though it might not matter as much.
i've seen that where people void their moral authority and then try to claim being proven hypocrites is whataboutism. its true, though unrelated to that i'm not sure how you actually resolve a situation that degraded.
tis why i tend to, lately, harp on the importance of third parties who haven't yet compromised themselves on the specific issue.