Version 2.0.0 of Fedipage is out!
It is a Hugo based static site generator with ActivityPub/Fediverse support.
If nothing else check out the new github/gitlab-like developer heatmap on the home page. It updates in real time!
Anyway, super happy about this. Enjoy everyone! Let me know if you have questions
#Hugo #ActivityPub #Fediverse #Mastoadmin #StaticSite #Vercel
@freemo Fantastic! Can you comment on the architecture a bit more? After a quick scan, I gather that it's a Hugo site + a Node.js API talking to a Firebase project powering the ActivityPub capabilities, am I right?
@astrojuanlu it is also designed to work in a half-capable way with no APIs at all.. it will still completely serve the outbox and the activities (create) for all the posts.
Only thing it cant really do properly without the serverless functions is allow you to get confirmation once you follow someone, and therefore might miss notification to your feed on new posts
But the site will still be searchable by the fedi and you can see see and share posts in that limited mode.
@freemo Amazing, thanks for the explanation!