Hello #Mastodon! I am making the jump from X to here. Too many of my #science and #medicine buddies left X. If you switched from X, how do you like it here?

@kbsez Thanks. Looking forward to getting the hang of it.


unfortunately, a while ago, you could use a couple of different websites to track down people from Twitter over here, but musk pretty much killed all of that.

Just start following people and start following hashtags. Best way to find the folks you’d like to see in your timeline is to do a search by hashtag and when you see an interesting post, follow that person.

Dont worry about what instance you or they are one, it really doesn’t matter that much.


Actually it matters a great deal in terms of exposure and how quickly you gain followers.

There are a great many instances which block to the point of eliminating a huge swath of the network. Joining one of those instances vs an instance that is more conservative in their blocking will make a HUGE difference.

Also how well federated an instance is makes a huge difference in your posts discoverability.




By the way I run QOTO, and we are a STEM exclusive instance. We also have one of the biggest footprints int he fediverse as we have nearly-open federation (we provide tools for our users to choose their own federation)


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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.