
> It's impossible to say about Hitler, we can't re-run history.

**you** were the one who used the quality of politicians to back up your claim tht the argument was nonsense... It was "impossible" to say then too, but that didnt stop you. But now that you have a counter example of the same kind only now its "impossible to say"... thats the bias I am talking about.

Like I get it, I agree its hard to say for sure... but you did, and you were ok with that only so far as you thought it supported your point of view. Now that its clear the line of argument doesnt support it now its an issue?

> Back to the point, the US government, over and over, does horrible shit and there's been no uprising against it.

Right, as I addressed guns are not, and should not, be used to start murdering people every time the government does "horrible shit".. Its meant as a last-resort, its meant for the hitlers, not Bushes/Bidens of the world

> Why hasn't New Zealand had a Hitler?

Because New Zealand allows guns? In fact up to 2019 they had access to a pretty decent range of guns. Things got much stricter after 2019, but we spent a lot of that time in quarintine... so not much time for a Hitler to even rise to power, not to mention they still have access to guns (albeit far more restricted) so hardly the best example.



I think the ‘I like guns’ argument is pretty damn strong to be honest. Do you like guns?

I like guns is a fine argument as to why you want guns.. It just isnt the only valid argument, there are several and the logic checks out on all of them IMO

Guns are alright, it can be nice to shoot. There is funner stuff though

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