#Hamas today released further 13 hostages, most of which are children, including two 4 years old.

While some hail Hamas for apparently being the most merciful and humanitarian hostage-taker in the world, let that sink in: you've got adult men and women who take 4 years old kids as hostages...


There is no excuse for this and no one should be praising hamas.

Just as there was no excuse when the IDF used children of a similar age as human shields and got called to international court on war crimes for it (And refused to show)..

In the end anyone taking **either** side as the good guy is morally corrupt. The hammas are evil, the IDF is evil, full stop.

@freemo @kravietz > In the end anyone taking **either** side as the good guy is morally corrupt. The hammas are evil, the IDF is evil, full stop.

Would you be willing to admit that one side is worse than the other?


Absolutely, as the invaders and occupiers the Israel side is significantly worse morally.



At this point its not relevant that the Israelis are the worse... they both commit war crimes and terrorism... Debating what murderer and torturer is the nicer one has little interest to me.

But if you insist then yea, the one who started the fight,a nd did so with a mass genocide is very clearly the worse of the two, regardless of what the other side did after being occupied.

If i break into someones house and chain the whole family up in the bathroom and punch them in the face every day, and they respond by kicking me in the balls when they get the chance, I'm still the worse one, I cant be praised for "taking the high oad and not kicking them in the balls" when im the one who came in, took over their home, and locked them into a small bathroom. It doesnt make kicking me in the balls right, but it does clearly make me the wrong one as the theif and initial abuser.



You seem to have a lot of good ideas about the war. So letโ€™s assume youโ€™re Israel, itโ€™s 7 October, you woke up to the barrage of rockets from Gaza and Hamas fighters slaughtering Israeli civilians. Whatโ€™s you plan?



I would issue a public apology for invading a country that wasnt mine and occupying it for 80 years and commiting genocide, war crimes and terrorism. I would also state that palestine has done the same and neither of us are right. I would then offer a complete withdrawl of Israel from the region, a dissolution of the state under the condition that 1) all hostages are returned 2) all israelis are allowed an appropriate amount of time to leave the country and 3) any israelis that decide to stay who were born on the land be granted citizenship in Palestine and an equal vote.

Once palestine agrees and the hostages released I would dissolve the state and leave.

Now in all reality neither me nor anyone has complete control to decide the situation. So in any practical sense that will never happen, nor am I expecting it to. But youa sked what I would do if i had control and that would be it.



I would dissolve the state and leave.

Okay, sounds like a great plan indeed. Plans like this are the main reason why the war is now going on for 80 years, and Hamas continuously wrecks any agreed actual peace plans.



Your response makes absolutely no sense.. If you dissolve the state and leave there is no state to have a war WITH... so no the war didnt continue for 80 years because of ideas like this, that makes no sense.



But postulating 10 million people who built the whole country for several generation does make sense?



In my scenario the israelis still own whatever they own and live there. They just are under the government that actually owns the land, palestine. As I said one of the conditions is anyone born ont he land is allowed to stay and given citizenship, this also assumes they retain whatever private land they own so long as they bought it fairly from the palestinian that owned it.

Obviously any infrastructure that exists through theft does not make sense to be allowed to keep.



I think the realism of your plan is best assessed through Hamas position on Holocaust and best illustrated the number of Jews living in Gaza.



Ok now you just passed into a territory I cant go... the holocaust happened and the jews were the victim. This does **not** justify them performing a holocaust on another group, particularly one that isnt the germans. But if we deny the obvious fact the holocaust happened then we have no right to have much of an opinion IMO.

@kravietz @realcaseyrollins



I appreciate that.

I have no problem focusing on the parts of the conversation likely to be more productive.

@kravietz @realcaseyrollins

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@freemo @kravietz @realcaseyrollins I owe you that much. You make the case for the Palestinian cause way better than me.
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