@joel What does that have to do with america? You are literally paying a small fraction of what people pay in pretty much any country in the world, including most of europe.

@freemo @joel
i it called public education , when it is not treated as
a business. many countries have it


Yea, like America. But again despite many countries having it, very few have it anywhere near the price you mentioned.



Why did you just link me to a map related to something we arent discussing (free college offered specifically to international students) instead of a link to what we are discussing (public college that is cheap to everyone)?


@freemo @joel
not for everyone. even in india and mx, you have to either met the requirement or score high in the national exams


Regardless your link doesnt address the discussion.. What does inexpensive public college have to do with the USA which has inexpensive public colleges as well? Why call out america as opposed to the many countries that do not have public colleges, like some of the ones in europe?


@freemo @joel
the "inexpensive" college in USA is around 200-300K


What are you on about... not a single one of our public colleges are that expensive. You are thinking of private institutions, which again also exist in Europe and are just as expensive.

Public colleges are single digits and below here.


@freemo @joel

$194,040 a nonprofit private for 4 years

$85,480 4y in the cheapest public college (in state).

cheapest is my state $32,000 per year


Absolutely false. Cheapest public/community college in the USA is Luna Community College, tuition is only $886.


@freemo @joel
LOLOLOL .. oh yeah and trade school costs $5,000 to $15,000. ... I'm talking about universities.



Saw that goal post getting moved a mile away. You are still wrong. Cheapest 4 year public school is still no where near the prices you mentioned at the cheapest being only $1.6K net.




I specifically told you both the cheapest public 2year and cheapest public 4 year college in the USA. I pulled it from a list of over 25 colleges all under $2k.

Given that I already told you the cheapest and the price, why did you go and get a list of schools that are clearly much higher in tuition knowing it was already shown to you that there are many cheaper schools?

We call that cherry pickinging. just spewing through links till you find one that backs up your argument while ignoring all the counter-evidence along the way.


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