I would love to know what the phrase "African Middle Eastern Jew" means if your willing. I am curious specifically about the apparent contradiction of "African" against "middle eastern" (as I understand it middle-east is either its own region or asian). Not trying to give you a hard time, just want to understand what is meant.
Looking great though by the way.
(north) African - I'm part Moroccan, my Dad is Moroccan Jewish.
Middle Eastern - I'm part Iraqi and Iranian (My mom's Iraqi and a bit Iranian)
@skaly Ahhh ok, yea that makes a lot of sense. You were describing two separate heritages, cool!
@freemo Yeah basically haha
@skaly Oh yea, I would have definitely suspected your mom was Moroccan based on her complexion. I worked with a Moroccan jew while I was in Israel. I can see a lot of similar traits (similar style hair for example with light curls and dark hair).
My mom's actually the Iraqi one haha my Dad is Moroccan. They're pretty similar looking skin tones though although completely seperate regions
@skaly Just goes to show you, never assume a persons heritage :) Your dads complextion reminds me of about my Tunisian's friend.
@freemo Interesting
@freemo I am African and Middle Eastern and Jewish :)