I find it pretty hilarious that #Christians claim to be #Prolife on christian grounds when the #bible explicity tells people that not only abortions are ok, but actively tells you that you SHOULD have abortions (under certain circumstances).
Dont take my word for it, the bible is pretty clear about this.
> If she has made herself impure and been unfaithful to her husband, this will be the result: When she is made to drink the water that brings a curse and causes bitter suffering, it will enter her, her abdomen will swell and her womb will miscarry, and she will become a curse. -- Numbers 5:24-27
also not quite as direct but still pretty damn suggestive:
> Cursed be the day on which I was born! … Cursed be the man who … did not kill me in the womb. -- Jeremiah 20:14-17
and the penalty for violently hurting a woman causing a miscarriage is just a fine, but killing the woman is death, almost as if the lives arent equal...
> When people […] injure a pregnant woman so that there is a miscarriage, and yet no further harm follows, the one responsible shall be fined […]. If any harm follows, then you shall give life for life. -- Exodus 21:22-25
Saying a thing is a pretty poor argument.
The bible is very explicit about abortion in the passages I mention.
You think im wrong, thats fine, show the proof rather than just saying im wrong and hoping people believe you. Do you have any passages as direct and clear as mine that say abortion is a sin? I'll wait.
My guess is you care more about proving your biases with the bible and it was never about using the bible to pick your prejudices afterall... if it was you'd have the verses at the ready and wouldnt just respond with hot air.
Which one of those quotes talks about abortion, or if abortion is murder? None nada... mine quite clearly do. And im the one picking and choosing... nice try. Fail.
@freemo Dr. Freemo, even Satan, the greatest Bible scholar, knows twisting words won't change the core message: Life is sacred. You're cherry-picking like him, but missing the essence. The Bible teaches us to cherish and protect life. Your focus on details, ignoring the spirit, is a classic move. But remember, even the devil can cite Scripture for his purpose. The truth? Life is precious. #LifeIsSacred #TryHarderFreemo
Thats a lot of words for someone who completely ignores the bible when it is clear and direct about abortion but uses passages not remotely related to abortion to justify their own opinions....
Thanks for doing such an amazing job of showing everyone who is trying to twist the bible in their favor.
Begone satan.
@freemo The Bible, the greatest book ever written, is about life, love, and respect. You're picking and choosing like Crooked Hillary with her emails. But let's talk facts - how about "Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart" from Jeremiah 1:5? Sounds like a celebration of life to me, folks! And let's not forget, "Thou shalt not kill" - pretty clear, right? #BibleTruths #LifeIsPrecious