Greta Thunberg: Activist arrested at Hague climate protest - BBC News 👍✊👏👏👏. Go Greta, you’re truly amazing! ❤️
She is a horrific role model, not because of her climate activism, that is a good thing. But how she got to fame and many of her choices have been quite disgusting IMO and counter productive. Seems clear to me her motives have always been self serving and her popularity is more what keeps her going than the activism.
@freemo That’s an interesting point of view.
I mean just look at her career.. she started it as a kid who decided not to go to school (every kids dream) and tried to use as an excuse that it was some sort of climate protest.
That would be like a education activist protesting the lack of good education by dumping oil in a river. It did nothing to help advance climate change concerns and ultimately was just an excuse for her and others to not get an education (which may have been a useful tool in addressing climate change).
But she got famous for it, and the more famous she got the more she continued and just like the self-serving interest of not needing to go to school, now her fame is that self-serving interest. I mean lets face it, she was a poor student and really has no skills of anykind to make an actual career or to make any real change.
Oh im well aware she graduated HS.. She was given an exception for her absence and had very poor grades from what I've read.
I am also aware of her book, though have no idea if she actually wrote it (most books are not written by the authors they say wrote them, typically books are written by what is called a ghost writer).
Oh I certainly do, her education and skills are quite lacking. Having graduated with barely passing grades and an exception is hardly a reason to stop worrying.
> It was never about skipping school, it was about raising awareness on an important topic. She studied on her own time.
Even if you were somehow right that it was never about skipping school she still skipped school and inspired millions of others to do the same. Like I said it si the equivalent of trying to standup for education awareness by dumping oil into a river.
@clacke Ok good to know that after her poor grades early on, resulting in her being reduced to remedial classes that she caught up by the end and got good grades. Good for her.
@freemo Her grades were well above average. Please stop spreading falsehoods.…