Today is the anniversary of the Kent State shootings, or more appropriately the "May 4th Massacre". In the wake of recent events and our consideration of gun control laws I think this day deserves a great deal of reflection. Four Americans were murdered, and nine more wounded, by our own national guard simply for participating in an anti-war demonstration. If we want to consider limiting access to guns on american soil lets start with our own national guard and police, not our citizens. The last thing I want to see is an unarmed populace needing to deal with a well-armed police and military force. Lets focus on securing the rights of the citizen, not giving them up
@FatherEnoch doesnt make sensr on a few accounts.
For starters the issue isnt with police being heavily armed it is with them not being held accountable then they use it. Them like thr citizens can and shouod be as heavily armed as they wish as long as they are responsible and accountable to their actions.
Second, the disparity in armament seems to occur in coubtries with strict gun laws to a greater extent not lesser. I the usa for example police and citizens are fairly equally armed, in the UK however certain police are allowed to be armed while the citizenry in general more or less cant be, showing a greater, not lesser, disparity.