Digital Systems vs Anolog Love... System typically pickup and adapt / exploit whatever you do (but not so much the love)...
Whichever way you go the system picks it up everything very quickly and will eventually co-opt/ adapt / exploit it if it's worth doing for money.
So I think the love inside (for yourself and others) is consistently the difficult thing to hijack and hard exploit by others because it is not a primary interest to regulate and make money out of #love - and therefore less exploitable or less interesting to exploit.
So in terms of 'winning' together or #occupy style love we can appreciate EACH OTHER much more than a system full of EXPLOITERS who will get less from our efforts (the givers and lovers of the world) because a lot is unusable to them or already given :)
Digital systems we see are working against us FA$TER in it's realm of #physics.
Giving analog love is harder to attach %'s and digital numbers to everything - so it's not the same system or dissimilar enough to break stay out of narrow-minded thinking.
#Matrix calculations (matrices) needs number format
and add computers
= computing matrix power which IS ALWAYS going to be faster than us in real life
To avoid this narrow-minded devaluation of thinking about life is what makes sense, and also fuels less such cold ignorant mechanisms.
#Love is a different realm / material to the digital way of control and taking things over...