The Queen is dead - bit of reality (if you want it)...
Parody video of Queen with a bit of reality in text for what is a mean business of running things badly (the art of exploiting people / way of cheating them from their time and energy and giving them much less back).
Governing a country and leading the empire by crushing it's own people (and others) just crushes everyone under it's accumulated weight. Enjoy the video - the likes of her will die but we have to makes sure people copy and paste the uncaring £nglish ways a lot less.
If you want to be a proper criminal then make sure you're following legal fronts like this racket for the deaths and killings in the background and backend while trying to make you feel guilty for the careless lack of feelings in everything and actively emptying it justified by your survival.
Fun but deadly serious (as you can tell by look on queen's face.)...
Just a shitty main island that tried to rule the world, many islands and lands and somehow did more than 50% of the world and perhaps still has it's hooks in places.... that's propa tyranny.
Laugh. Cry. P£ople must di£?
#Music #DubStep #DnB #Parody #Video #Meme #Tyranny #Queen #Empire