The evolution is coming Psychologically, Intellectually and Spiritually growing... NOT just Material growth...
Quotes about evolving Psychologically, Intellectually and Spiritually growth, NOT just Material growth...
"...Psychological, Intellectual and Spiritual growth has out-distanced the material growth..."
"... I'm not seeing the infrastructure we should be building... [many countries spoken in a list] quickly and strongly as we have been evolving... [taps temple part of head] the evolution is coming psychologically..."
[goes on to talk about more black businesses working together BUT I think it's too soon and the first psychological part could be more common and stronger, AND THEN BUILD with/within Capitalism with more purer people so at least we win the ratio more regularly which is CAPITALISM MINDSET : ALT MINDSET, maybe 50:50 ratio then moving it to mindset and then love more TO 60/705 within business or basic communication...]
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