🇺🇦 Ukraine War helper - Sebastian Plocharski (🇵🇱 Poland) + MakeCoffeeNotWar.info
Have to give a shout out toSebastian Plocharski 🇵🇱
(Poland) for the website and solo mission / effort show in website and youtube channels
🌐 MakeCoffeeNotWar.info
The landing page of website specifically I think is great (gives sense of war environment) via a basic slide-show with text overlay that really captures very well I think what his efforts are. Good presentation anyway.
Check it out. The YouTube channel link is filtered from adverts too.
As virtue signalling goes he's out there seemingly helping out.
🇵🇱 Sebastian Plocharski (Poland)
🇺🇦 #Ukraine #War helper
^--- As much as I'm not a flag guy, I guess I am for today in advertising for another person.