#Jobs #Capitalism #Love ?
Jobs in life should prioritise spreading peaceful ways.
If it's not respecting you and you are not respecting people while working - consider something else (let's talk).
❓ Ask yourself ❓
"Does my job or activity grow better understanding / peace between people ? "
Keeping better relativity and "better ways" (a bit more) will help keep things intact. I see it as the higher priority even if you can't have it all.
Capitalism is not the only thing in life we can help build.
#Capitalism is somewhat measurably opposite to everything
It's cutting all corners in order to achieve less long-term for everyone / make it more expensive / privatise wealth.
#Capitalism vs. Life
So Capitalism as a house is bad / bad-progression.
Capitalism wants to achieve different goals than the spreading love / peace / respect / freedoms between us.
Capitalism also wants to spread #debt and #consumption as slow #death and #depression on top of not spread love / peace.
Ask yourself -
" Do I do something that grows love / peace or pure profit mostly? "
Do you want to spread / #grow more peace and love?
I believe a "loving system" can start to exist if we inject it constantly.
Currently you and me are selling out to Capitalism.
Not just hippie style utopia either, just normal love / respect for people! And less selling them / selling plant out for 'even more' profit... when those people have plenty already.
Capitalism could be said as the opposite of love / peace as it (and it's people) just take from body more than improve the people's mind / love for each other, and yes such big #profit without giving back to people is bad...