LEADERS.... I COULD BE ONE OF THEM!... Maybe you too? (what do you bring to the table?)
Leaders I respect in the first place taking it on the role (not just from empty ego or pure-blaggers) but really reasoned leaders and being a bit daring too is part calculated effort and involvement of almost everyone genuine.
So in comparison I take on a leader role in this post (virtually) and in my head as that is what is needed to start, and you as a follower can confirm and add to that weight (by commenting ideally or adding bell notification to get posts more immediately in respect to some level of importance and compounding that - rather than compounding nobody).
By all means be leader but if not stepping up - you need to allow someone else for a bit, so almost why not me for a bit without answering purely with negatives - see the positives ! Ask and you shall get -
**** having time for people and being tested is the main winner I feel *****
I'm sure any critique doesn't defeat me entirely, NOT because I'm the best but because I have time and happy to listen and let others lead for a bit in conversation... as dangerous as that is, and responding also! (IMAGINE!)
All these others on Fediverse have one-way bots and Twitter echos - PLEASE... I've won already... !
So we need to let others train to lead.. so this is part of that... train me.
I can also have several leaders with me (in case one is sick!) like you or someone else you can appraise or treat as an apprenticeship scheme (like that past apprenticeships of "working on the job" together). That way we don't fall into the trap of expecting 1 person to lead everything but really a whole fleet of leaders build up and accumulate CLEVER NO?
Even if you would call me leader now, (which I'm not trapping you by asking you to say it aloud) still you would imagine others or yourself in a pyramid of leader or learning to consult like formation of planes in the air ✈️ while they scout and discuss stuff)... yes all very metaphorical unless we try it.
So let me say I WANT TO LEAD!
And let you lead too while keeping my logical side of moderation in that... and happy to say of my lacking... since amazingly I know I'm imperfect but really together we can crack it.
And I will accept being wingman, and as the wingman (any gender) this has sometimes the clarity (and not) to mix with another leader's clarity to contrast or purify testing the right move (or both ways), again together!
(we're not against each other but together and with our sharpness in whatever way testing it all out, and you give us feedback).
Why did I write this?
So... you tell me :) (you give feedback / make meaning to it all)
Click favourite or type a bit of a reply if you would *maybe* consider me as a leader or wingman and see what about it :)
I feel like the older / past leaders had this "belief in the one, and the many" thing which has largely been lost and needs a bit of **testing** even virtually at first to then say "fuck what a great person this is" or "this could actually work" eventually ...
...seemingly from nothing...
else consider test done...
#FreeSchool <--- check hashtag or contact what is interesting to you as a start...