How to destroy "The System" of power? (Advice by Eric Cantona ⚽ ) ANSWER: Take your money out of the Bank!
How to destroy "the System" of cheating, of Power... etc )
#ANSWER: Take your money out of the bank!
( Advice by Eric Cantona ⚽ #quote said in #video ! )
A real #revolution.
The System(s) are built on top of #Banks... Take your money out - that's a real threat - no need waving placards on streets.
No need protest 3million on the streets. - Those same millions could all just take some money out of the banks instead! - REAL protest! Takes power/money away.
#Banks sell us #Debt (money that doesn't exist yet) as the (unfair) "System". #Debt we need more and #money for... !